Hello Barefooters!
Time for your November update! Halloween is now over - hope the children had good fun dressing up and 'dooking' for apples! Bonfire Night is the next fun outing for the kids and then the countdown to Christmas begins.
Favourite Lacey Reads This Month
It's cold, it's windy and it's the perfect time to be snuggling up and reading some Barefoot classics. The one I have been enjoying reading to Aiden and Thomas is "The Barefoot Books of Monsters". This book includes folk tales of monsters from all over the world - with some pretty scary illustrations.
My niece, Holly, has revewed Barefoot Books first chapter book, "Little Leap Forward" so check it out on this blog. Thanks very much, Holly!
Recommendations for Christmas
All the new titles are now available in store. My favourite festive books are:
The Princess and the White Bear King (Team this up with the Polar Bear puppet and this will make a wonderful Christmas present!)
Fireside Stories
Public events coming up this month are:
November 22nd - Pitcorthie Primary Christmas Fayre, Dunfermline
November 26th - St Margaret's Primary Christmas Coffee Morning
November 27th - Christmas Fayre at the Vine Church, Dunfermline - come along and help raise money for a charity called Compassion who want to send 3 nurses to an island called La Gonave in May next year to immunize needy children. 6.30pm.
November 27th - Christmas Fayre at the Vine Church, Dunfermline - come along and help raise money for a charity called Compassion who want to send 3 nurses to an island called La Gonave in May next year to immunize needy children. 6.30pm.
Remember to ask me if you have any fundraising needs - even if you are local I can arrange an 'on-line' fundraiser or party!
Enjoy November, especially Guy Fawkes Night!
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